3D rendering for interior design.
3D view of new modern dwelling house.
Two storey rear extension and refurbishment of external elevation with additional timber cladding and white render.
3D view of two storey side and rear extension.
Certificate of lawfulness for the conversion of single dwelling into two flats.
Single storey side extension following removal of the terrace.
Part two-part single storey rear extension, alterations to boundary treatment and conversion of the existing dwelling into two flats.
First-floor extension and raising of the roof to provide additional habitable space.
Two storey detached dwelling in a side garden.
The erection of two storey extension to form a new end-of-terrace dwelling.
Two-part single storey extension with the conversion of the existing dwelling into 3 flats.
Conversion of a two storey garden outbuilding to a single detached dwelling.
Residential unit conversion into 3 flats.
Detached chalet bungalow in the back garden.
Unit 2, 179A Oxford Rd
Reading RG1 7UZ, United Kingdom